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Chris Williams is a comic artist, writer and creator. After earning his BS in Animation & Media Arts in 2008 from the Art Institute of Philadelphia, Chris has sold many illustrations, logos, graphic art and commissioned work locally and internationally. Some of his notable accomplishments include cover art for several indie comic titles such as the periodical magazine “Knights of The Dinner Table” #201, Source Point Press’s “Salvagers” & “Franklin & Ghost”, Geek-Girl, as well as promotional art for award-winning photographer, Nick Saglimbeni and his site. Chris is currently working on his creator owned comic series, “SUMMONS” and an upcoming Native American themed comic called Tribal Force.


1) Did you go to the library as a child?
I did go to the library as a child, Norristown Public Library in particular was my first.

2) Who has inspired you?
In the comics field I was heavily inspired by comic artists Jim Lee & J. Scott Campbell.

3) What would be an amazing crossover?
An amazing crossover would be Sherlock Holmes & Ghostbusters/paranormal investigator.

4) What would be a cool piece of technology (real, theoretical, fantastical) would you love to have?
A cool piece of tech I would love to have would be some kind of portal/teleportation device. Because I’d never be late for anything (theoretically) & I’ve never have to pay for gas or transportation 😉