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Stranger Things Scavenger Hunt


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This scavenger hunt is based on a popular Netflix show. Stranger Things takes place in 1983 in fictional Hawkins, Indiana, and centers around the disappearance of a young boy named Will Byers and the sudden appearance of a young girl named Eleven. In order to enter:

  • Find the answers using Montgomery County-Norristown Public Library’s online resources.
  • Use screen shot or take a photo of the answer and the database you found it in.
  • Submit your answers to

The patrons who submit the most correct answers will be given two raffle tickets for the Adult Summer Reading Program’s main prize, a 23&Me Ancestry kit that will be awarded on September 1st, 2020. The online resources can be found on under eResources. You do not need to have seen Stranger Things to complete this hunt.

  1. Stranger Things takes place in the 1980’s. In season 1, Will and his friends are playing Dungeons and Dragons, a popular but controversial game at the time. Find an article on the controversy surrounding Dungeons and Dragons and the database you found it on.
  2. In 2020 we are dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. In the 1980’s there was another pandemic virus called AIDS (Acquired immune Deficiency Syndrome). Find me an article that describes AIDS and how it is transmitted and when AIDS was first diagnosed.
  3. On Stranger Things, the residents of Hawkins, Indiana, are dealing with an accident from a nearby lab. In April of 1986, there was a disaster in Chernobyl when a nuclear reactor exploded. Find an article detailing the health and environmental consequences of that explosion.
  4. During the time Stranger Things is set, Communist Russia and the United States are still in the midst of a Cold War. What challenge did President Reagan issue to Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987?
  5. In season three of Stranger Things, Dustin and Steve intercept a Russian communication and have to translate it. Find the database and complete the first lesson in Russian. Show your progress.

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