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Jeanne Cove

Nov 222024





Join us on the first Monday of the month starting at 3pm for some light refreshments and a movie! No registration is needed. Ratings for our Monday Matinee will be R or lower.

Monday, April 7, 2025: TBD



Oct 162024

Welcome to Socrates Café at Montgomery County-Norristown Public Library!

A Socrates Cafe’ is an opportunity for participants to learn from one another, to work collaboratively and to delve deeply into questions, issues or materials.  It is grounded in inquiry, deep curiosity and the belief that “none of us is as smart as all of us.” These conversations are constructivist and transformative, as participants work to create meaning by employing active listening, critical thinking and tolerance for different perspectives. A successful dialogue is one that leaves participants with more questions than answers.

We meet at 10am on the second Friday of each month. No registration is needed. Topics for the next month are decided by the group. All are welcome!

NEXT MEETING: 10am on Friday, March 14, 2025, to discuss… “What is beauty?”


Previous topics discussed at our Socrates Cafe’:

Is there such a thing as a true self? (February 2025)

Is it ethical to have a job that harms others? (January 2025)

Does everyone have the capacity to be great? (December 2024)

Just war theory (November 2024)

What is justice? (October 2024)

Do we have a right to privacy? (September 2024)

How does language affect identity? (April 2024)

Should the government regulate polygamy? (March 2024)

What is the future impact of artificial intelligence?

Will we be able to adapt to climate change?

Just War, is there such a thing, who decides, what about Israel/Gaza?








Oct 012024




Teens, now is your chance! We won a grant from PA Humanities this year to explore culture through food and we want you! The plan is to share food from various cultures and look at how that food was influenced by other cultures. We’ll cook, we’ll eat, we’ll do related projects. This is a youth-led program so you will have a lot of say in how it goes. You will also learn leadership skills and help the library be a better place for Norristown Area teens.

Here are the facts:

Regular attendance is required 2x a month on Wednesday afternoons/evenings (4:30-6pm).


Wednesday, November 20, 2024, 4:30-6pm – Irish Night

Wednesday, December 4, 2024, 4:30-6pm – Italian Night

Wednesday, December 18, 2024, 4:30-6:30pm – African American Night

In 2025 we will meet on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month until the end of the school year (4:30-6:00/6:30pm). Students decide on themes and are looking toward doing a Vietnamese night, a Mexican night, a Chinese night and more.

There is no cost to you thanks to a grant from PA Humanities. All the food and supplies will be provided.

We hope you will share recipes and culture from your house with us, but it is not required.

Ages 12-18.

If you are interested, REGISTER under our events tab at

Email Jeanne at with questions.  

This is a great activity to put on college applications and resumes, btw.

Thank you, PA Humanities!


Sep 272024


Drop in to create some art. Socialize. De-stress. Develop your skills. Whatever. We’ll have mini-projects to try together and open supplies like watercolors, markers, and colored pencils for you to do your own thing too. Ages 12+

4-5pm most Mondays during the school year.

Questions? Email Jeanne at

Aug 222024




Play chess with other interested players on Tuesdays between 3-5pm. We are set up on the tables in the AV area on the first floor.  Bring your own board or use ours. No registration, drop in only.

May 132024

Girl singing and smiling in front of rainbow wall art  Man and boy with recording equipment on stageMan with songbook and woman with guitar singing outsideBoy playing conga drumsPeople playing drums at the libraryDuo playing guitars and singing at the library


MAKE MUSIC DAY!   JUNE 21, 2024!  Junio 21!

Our 3rd annual Make Music Day Norristown is in the books! View photos from 2024 performances above. Thank you to all the community members who participated and volunteered to make it a success. If you would like to be involved in planning, hosting, or performing next year please email Jeanne at Make Music Day is always on June 21st, World Music Day.

Make Music Day en junio 21.

 Manda un correo electrónico a Jeanne en la biblioteca a la dirección para inscribirte para presentarte como músico o para inscribirte como anfitrión voluntario.


2024 schedule:

11am: Children’s music performance with Miss Emily, geared to preschoolers – Norristown Public Library, 1001 Powell Street, upstairs

12noon: Drum Workshop with Tony Flagiello – Norristown Public Library, 1001 Powell Street, downstairs

1:45: Max on trumpet – Norristown Public Library, 1001 Powell Street, downstairs

2pm: Fricknadorable (acoustic duo) – Norristown Public Library, 1001 Powell Street, downstairs

3pm: Khadijah Graves (R&B/soul – original song) – Norristown Public Library, 1001 Powell Street, downstairs

3:10pm: Garty Bowersox (Broadway songs) – Norristown Public Library, 1001 Powell Street, downstairs


5-8pm+: Various Acoustic Acts – Recycle, Read, Repeat Bookstore, 208 Cherry Street


6-8:30pm: Student, Teacher, and Community performances. Singer songwriter, duo/trio groups, and poets – Expressive Path Creative Arts Center – 857 Cherry Street


7pm: Jonathan Haggard on organ – All Saints Church, 535 Haws Avenue 


8:15pm: Campfire singalong with s’mores – Reformed Church of the Ascension, 1700 West Main Street



May 102024




Thank you, Montgomery County, Norristown & surrounding neighbors for a great Comic Fest 2024!

Here are results of various contests and votes:

Cosplay Winners:

Under 10: Barbie             11-17: Queen of Hearts              18+: Drago

Art Contest Winners:

Fan Art: Jason Rodriguez, TMNT          Original Character: Anabel S., Lilac         Short Comic: Veyda Eisele

Fandom Voting (winner in bold):

Pikachu 77 vs. Charizard 76     Marvel 79 vs. DC 86     Ursula 34 vs. Maleficent 43     Naruto 40 vs. Sailor Moon 55     Jiji 34 vs. Totoro 39     Empire 46 vs. Rebels 62     One Piece 40 vs. Demon Slayer 48










Comic Fest was held at Norristown Public Library on SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 2024:

Comic Fest is an annual event that is fun for kids, teens, & adults. All are welcome. Entry is free.

Attendees received a program, free lanyard, and snack tickets. Between scheduled programs patrons saw costumes & characters, voted their fandom, shopped artist alley, played games, created  buttons & comic books, admired fan art, and more.  Members of Kyber Base were here in Star Wars costume. Sonic, Pikachu, and Belle also made appearances. Gamers enjoyed the giant game truck parked outside. Separate gaming was set up for younger children in the children’s department upstairs. All day teen and adult gaming was held in the community room. See below for timed elements of the day.

10-11am: Sonic character visit

10am-1:30pm: GameTruck outside our Powell Street entrance

11am-12noon: Pikachu character visit, trading card game tournaments

11:30: Comic Writing Workshop with Keville Bowen

12noon: Comic Art Drawing Class with Jason Rodriguez (ages 9-15)

1pm: Trivia

1:30: Artist Showdown

2pm: Cosplay Contest ($50 prizes in three age categories)

Artists in attendance included: Keville Bowen, Jason Rodriguez, Dawn Griffin, Jun Yi, Nic Hwang, Connor Peterson, Rose Moran, Zeta230, Steve Peters, and cosplay designer Cali Eisele.

Check out some photos from 2023 Comic Fest…



Look for us again in August 2025!