Is your teen looking to earn volunteer hours this school year? Write reviews for your favorite books. Receive volunteer/community service hours to count towards graduation requirements, National Honor Society requirements and more!
To start, simply choose a book to read. We would prefer that you select a book from our collection, but feel free to choose any book that you feel strongly about. Next, write a compelling, well-written review of the book that you chose. Incomplete or un-edited work will be sent back to the submitter to be re-done. Please note that your review doesn’t have to be positive, so just be honest.
Make sure you have submitted your Community Service Volunteer Application and background checks in order to qualify for community service hours. Email these to hholst@mclinc.org. Finally submit your work via this Google Form.
Each review is worth 1 volunteer hour with a 300 word minimum and 400 word maximum. Once your review has been posted, you will receive the volunteering credit.
Attention: Please complete a Community Service Volunteer Application before submitting a review. Links for this can be found at the end of this Google Form. Anyone aged 14-17 must complete the following:
These are free for volunteers. Due to high demand, we cannot guarantee that we can accommodate everyone.
Those seeking volunteer hours for the National Honors Society should consider having one or more backup locations in order to obtain all required hours. Hours are first come, first served, so submit your applications as soon as possible!