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Assistive Technology


Text to Speech Converter

The Aladdin Ambassador Pro is a voice output reading machine designed for use by individuals who are blind or have low vision. This system uses optical character recognition (OCR) technology to convert text from books, magazines, and other printed materials to high-quality speech. Please call the Reference Department for an appointment to use this machine. 610-278-5100, ext. 114

Desktop Video Magnifier

This machine, which is housed near the Microfilm machines, makes for easy reading of a wide variety of printed material, including numbers in the phone book, labels on prescription bottles, tiny printed contracts, bills, and much more. An expensive machine to own privately, it is yours to use for free at our library!


NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) software is installed on computers in the Computer Lab. It is a screen reader for the Microsoft Windows operating system. Providing feedback via synthetic speech and Braille, it enables blind or vision impaired people to access computers running Windows. Users need to bring their own headphones.


Magnifier is a visual assistance tool that is installed on computers in the Computer Lab. Much like a real-life magnifying glass, it allows users to enlarge portions of the screen to make them easier to see.