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Jan 302025

All ages are welcome to join us at our annual event to learn about and celebrate Black American History.

This year’s theme is labor. Will we be making a community quilt together and learn about black labor contributions to the United States. To honor the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters & Maids (BSCP) founded in 1925, we will have a period “G” scale train layout to view and hands-on train activities for small children.

The BSCP was the first labor organization led by African Americans to receive a charter in the American Federation of Labor (AFL). Being a Pullman porter was one of the better paid and socially regarded positions available to African Americans, the Pullman porters contributed to the growth of the Black middle class. Many famous African Americans were former porters or descendants of Pullman porters. These include North Pole explorer Matthew Henson, Jamaican writer Claude McKay, and Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. Many members of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters were important influences to the civil rights movement including A. Philip Randolph, E.D. Nixon, and C.L. Dellums.

No registration is required.